This information can be found In EclerNet manual, section “Calendar-based events (TIME SCHEDULER)”. It’s important to set correctly date and time in your EclerNet device. By default, date and time are not configured (Check the image by clicking here). It’s recommended to activate “NTP Synchronization” (requires internet connection), and set device to correct Time zone where it is installed. This will guarantee device is set correctly (option enabled in DUO-NET PLAYER). Configuration examples for Time Scheduler events:
Example 1:
Event will stay active every day (REPEAT – interval 1 day) for 20 seconds at 9:00, without Saturday and Sunday. Without activating repeat times, and End Date, this event will always trigger. HOLD option is used when acting on the “PRIORITY MEDIA PLAYBACK” and where Trigger Mode is configured as HOLD. Message will play as long as set in Hold option in Time Scheduler (Check the image by clicking here). When “PRIORITY MEDIA PLAYBACK” is configured in Trigger Mode as PULSE with Hold Time 10 seconds, the message will play for 10 seconds (Check the image by clicking here). When using “TRANSPORT CONTROL” or “PROGRAM MEDIA PLAYBACK” message will play until it finishes (Check the image by clicking here). ATTENTION: If the programming is done on 31/5/2017 (Wednesday) at 12:00, this event will never be active and therefore will never repeat. Keep in mind, when you program your device offline, and the next day upload it to device, it’s possible your event activation time has passed, and it won’t activate again.
Example 2:
Event will stay active for 5 seconds and will repeat 4 times every 1 hour, at 9AM, 10AM, 11AM, and 12PM. After executing 4 times, this event will no longer repeat because it finished its execution. ATTENTION: If the programming is done on 31/5/2017 (Wednesday) at 12:00, this event will never be active and therefore will never repeat. Keep in mind, when you program your device offline, and the next day upload it to device, it’s possible your event activation time has passed, and it won’t activate again.
Conclusion: If event needs to trigger 4 times, and be active every day (except Saturday and Sunday), it’s recommended to create 4 events (each one programmed with correct trigger time) to repeat every day. Follow example 1 for creating 4 events.